
I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to talk about myself! My name is Kaitlyn and I love to bake! I'm a military brat and am now a military wife, so I consider myself from everywhere--but mainly Ohio, England, and South Carolina. I really got into baking last summer (2010) while my husband was deployed. Out of boredom, I started to think about all of the snacks that I love to eat that I purchase from grocery stores. This then got me thinking about Oreo's and how someone had to make them by hand before they started processing them to sell. This lead me to look at other blogs and discover that my thoughts were correct and there are tons of wonderful bakers out there doing so! After many trials and errors, my love has grown and I wanted to share my love with everyone else, who like me, loves to look at blogs and see different recipes! I absolutley love making cupcakes more than anything. Growing up, I loved drawing and things centered around art. I find that cupcakes are like an art--coming up with combinations and designs. Alright, enough about me! I hope you find this blog helpful and that it can lead you to many other wonderful blogs!!!

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